Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Many studies have been made that compare the rate of suicide with gun ownership. This is just dumb. If you are going to try and kill yourself, i highly doubt that just because a gun is a little harder to get you will change your mind. Once you have gotten to the point where you feel suicide is the only way out, im sure you could find a way to kill yourself that is just as effective as using a firearm. So all the studies saying that if you take away guns people will commit less suicide, those people are just wasting their time. And because its probably supplying the government with opinions, they are also probably wasting money. by looking at the chart, you can see that democrats like obama, have become much less likely to own guns. so by taking them away, it would not affect them nearly as much as the other half of the population. Thats like me saying purses are now illegal to be carried. Because im a guy, this law would not affect me. However it would affect a lot of women that do use purses. I fell the government often times makes decisions on what is important to them rather than the people they are supposed to be representing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hitler and You! =]

President Obama wants to take away guns. Dictator of the Nazi empire, Adolf Hitler made a statement about gun control. He said if you could control all the guns in a country, then you could control that country. Personally, I think Obama is an undercover terrorist. And now that hes our president, he says he wants to regulate the guns in our country. That sounds kind os suspicious to me. Maybe i'm just paranoid, but i know for sure, my dad will not give up his guns. Any other opinions on the subject? I really hope i get at least 1 comment on this super cool blog. PS Ron Paul 2012!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Guns don't kill people, Chuck Norris kills people.

Many people feel that guns are bad, but those people are dumb. The second ammendment grants us the right to own guns. Many people give the arguement, that without guns there wouldn't be any murders and crime. But if you were going to break the law, would it really matter to you wether or not you used a gun illegally? If the government tried to make laws to try and ban guns, people will always find ways around them. I feel guns are okay when used for sport and recreation, and i would have no other reason to use them. If President Osama err Obama were to put restrictions on guns, I think there would be a serious outbreak of crazed gun owners everywhere. AKA my Dad. Any opinions on this?